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Environmental Analytical Control of Atmospheric Air: Study Guide

БиблиографияEnvironmental Analytical Control of Atmospheric Air: Study Guide [Электронный ресурс] / Popova N.R., Bogolitsyn K.G., Ivanchenko N.I. - Архангельск : ИД САФУ, 2015. Режим доступа: http://proto.rosmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785261010876.html
АвторыPopova N.R., Bogolitsyn K.G., Ivanchenko N.I.
Год издания2015
ПрототипЭлектронное издание на основе: Environmental Analytical Control of Atmospheric Air: Study Guide / N.R. Popova, K.G. Bogolitsyn, N.I. Ivanchenko. - Arkhangelsk: Northern (Arctic) Federal University’s Publishing House, 2015. - 103 p. ISBN 978-5-261-01087-6.
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АннотацияPrepared by Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry. The study guide covers such basic stages of environmental analytical monitoring of the atmospheric air as sampling site selection, sampling, sample preparation and analysis. It also gives an overview of the main physical and chemical methods used in air monitoring. This tutorial is intended for the training of masters at the Master's Program Energy- and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry, and biotechnology
Загружено 2016-11-02 02:16:06