Chemistry: Medical aspects : tutorial guide
БиблиографияChemistry: Medical aspects : tutorial guide. - Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2022. - 144 с. - ISBN 978-5-9704-7057-2. - URL: (дата обращения: 24.02.2025). - Режим доступа: по подписке. - Текст: электронный
Год издания2022
ПрототипЭлектронное издание на основе: P oprygina, T. D. Chemistry: Medical aspects : tutorial guide / T. D. Poprygina, T. N. Ilinova, N. I. Ponomareva. - Moscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2022. - 144 p. - DOI: 10.33029/9704-7057-2-CHM-2022-1-144. - ISBN 978-5-9704-7057-2.
АннотацияThe manual is written for English-speaking foreign students of General Medicine, Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine departments and devised according to FSES Higher Professional Education requirements for “Chemistry” discipline. Each chapter contains theoretical part, control questions, detailed solution of typical problem tasks, exercises for self-work of students, test and key words with translation into Russian. The most important feature of this book is an emphasis on medical aspects of studied phenomena. Situational tasks, exercises and tests, necessary for the complete understanding of chemistry, have medical and biological directivity and help to formation of medical students competences.
Загружено 2022-06-08 23:57:22